have you ever had one of those days where something extra special shows up in the mail just for you? today was one of those days for mario, and it couldn’t have made him happier. the story: when mario’s son (MJ3) was in basic training he became friends with a buddy jeff zimmer. well throughout the endless hours spent together in basic training they had time to share life stories and get to know each other. long story short turns out jeff’s mom mary was a scrapbooker and a fan of my products (small world isn’t it?) so when MJ3 told mario about mary, they became friends on facebook. at MJ’s graduation from basic training we got to meet mary, along with jeff and his wife mandy. they were awesome people and we’ve stayed in touch since then…
today mario received this quilt made by mary using my new fabrics (so cool) but more importantly a quilt to represent their son’s service and dedication. it is such a wonderful and heartfelt creation and mario was absolutely thrilled to receive it. the center of the quilt has an arizona map, accented by a black hawk helicopter (which MJ3 will someday pilot) and and american flag with the verse “may all roads lead you home”. so you see in addition to being a scrapbooker mary is also a professional seamstress as well as owning her own wall decal business: a great impression. just wanted to share a happy mail day with you guys, i’m sure you can understand why something this special would certainly make mario’s day…t!m