CHA2016 show recap: ideaology…

1we are back in the studio after an amazing cha2016 show… you know from seeing the behind the scenes posts there is so much work that goes into getting ready for this show, so many people who contribute to make the show such a success, and so many moving parts that have to come together in creative harmony…and creative harmony it was!  i want to start by saying a very sincere THANK YOU to my team mario, paula, richele, and deb.  their hard work and dedication to everything “tim holtz” is truly recognized and appreciated – i couldn’t do what i do without them (love you guys).  also a huge thank you to the following talented designers who shared their creativity by making beautiful projects for my booths at the show:
emma williams
– zoe hillman
aida haron
vicki evans
mou saha
bobbi smith
lisa bebi
jan hobbins
vicki boutin
cheiron brandon
audrey pettit
richele christensen
paula cheney

over the next few days i’ll be sharing highlights of the booths, projects, and videos from the cha2016 show.  there is always so much that goes on throughout the show (booth set-up, workshops, VIP events, make & takes, etc.) yet in a flash it’s all over.  i think one of the cool things this year was how many attendees shared the show experience LIVE via periscope (including us) – it was amazing!  periscope is a free app you can download for your mobile phone or iPad that allows you to watch and more importantly interact LIVE and only keeps the video for 24 hours.  however my friend igirlzoe managed to somehow save several of the periscopes from the show so you can watch them by clicking here and here (thanks zoe)…

it all starts with two days of booth set-up at the convention center and thankfully mario doesn’t mind shipping, loading, and unloading a box or two (or twenty), and “hot wheels” doesn’t mind zipping him around, thanks nadine…


the idea-ology booth is always amazing to see the transformation into a nostalgic time capsule.  paula, richele, deb, and the amazing team at advantus work tirelessly unpacking all of the product and props for the booth and begin displaying everything…

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attention to detail is always key, but this year paula and richele really inspired everyone with the addition of the two back walls they created and drove them to the show – nothing short of amazing.  the dapper wall featured a backdrop of fabric covered panels accented with rustic wood crates, old child’s chair, a suitcase shelf, eclectic vintage signage, and this cool vintage desk (thanks aleah) – i loved everything about this…

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the second wall showcased the timeless perfection of tattered vintage wallpaper and torn book pages adorned with antique frame shadowboxes, a crushed velvet dress form, and shabby shelves – i think paula wanted this in her house…

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without a doubt, every single project was over the top incorporating all things idea-ology (both old and new) into inspiring works of art.  i love seeing all of the products brought to life by these creations so it’s no surprise the idea-ology booth is always a favorite, can you blame me?

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check out the video booth tour i did with sara from craft test dummies…

see you tomorrow as we take a tour of the ranger booth…t!m

Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101