who knew?…

well bloggers, it seems we have more than creativity in common?  we also seem to have our love for supplies and our challenges to keep them all organized.  that's okay, whatever works for you is all that's important.  the funniest thing i found about reading your comments was the overwhelming notice of this crazy little doll that was hanging on the door.  so i thought i would share a little bit about this guy too since maybe many of you might feel the need to get one of your own (or something like it anyways)…  so i picked this up in my travels to california this year at this incredible shop in old sacramento called evangeline's.  it's filled with very uncommon and eclectic things, but i'm telling you everywhere you turn, there is something to make you laugh out loud.  it's a must stop to shop destination whenever i'm there.

so when i saw this i thought it was the perfect solution for those moments of creative frustration and it just so happens there was the perfect button to go with it "never apologize for your art".  i'm seeing a stamp with that saying in my future and from many of your other comments, you're agreeing with "it just so happens i buy it faster than i can use it" as a fitting statement too.  so whenever my creative block is getting the best of me (yes we all have them), i can fling this little sucker across the room, jab it with a craft pick, or shoot it with the rubber band that's tied to his head, whatever it takes to get the creative ideas flowing again.  the statement is so true, never apologize for your art, what you create, how messy you might be, how long it might take you to make it, or how much all those trinkety things may have cost you – art is just that…art!  so you see something this little tattered dude can come in handy for those frustrating creative moments – i'm sure you'll agree…t!m

Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101