Where does the time go?

Time Seriously…it seems I always set out each day with so many things I "know" I’m going to get accomplished – some how it never happens that way.  I think we all sometimes feel this, some more than others, but the bottom line – it is what it is.  We do what we can, and tackle the rest of the world "tomorrow".  I’ve been so busy getting so many things wrapped up: the new website, deadlines for new products, and getting ready for my holiday event in December.  I have to say though, after 10 months on the road – It’s GREAT to be home for a while.  You can feel the crisp air of fall finally kicking in – my most favorite time of year…

So how are you spending your days?  Doing what you want to do?  Doing what you feel you should do? Or simply doing what you can do?  Just remember to take time for YOU once in a while.  I get reminded that often by my friends and I have to say – it’s pretty good advise.  Enjoy this festive time of year we’re about to enter.  Take time to do all that you set out to do, when you can do it.  As they say: "It’s the LIFE in your years, not the YEARS in your life that matter."…


Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101