what a great time on the arts de mer cruise~! it was so fun to hang out with friends, spend time relaxing a bit, and seeing many familiar faces from previous year cruisers. we had so much fun, lots of laughs, and took time to play games – after all, that was the theme of this year’s cruise "the game of art". we played bingo, ate lots of food, had a few drinks (some more than others), walked around the ship, took some naps, and of course taught classes. there were lots of things to do to keep everyone busy. each student on the ship took 4 different classes throughout the weekend as well as some make & takes planned for them. it was just a weekend on crafting goodness. as promised, here is a photo of my project i taught at the ship – it’s called "games people play".
it’s a bracelet we made using acrylic charms (fragments with holes drilled in them), with images attached to them using glossy accents, and wrapped in memory foil tape. then we wired up lots of game pieces, trinkets, and other playful things and attached them to a rubber cord with a wire coil. the result was this fun charm bracelet. the students did such an amazing job – everyone did! they completed this from start to finish in about 3 hours and all 80 students finished it. so, now i’m home today, unpacking, and then repacking to head out to chicago tomorrow morning (early at 3am) for CKU-Chicago. i am really looking forward to this NEW event with a whole NEW format – it’s going to be great getting to teach all of the attendees this year! if you’ve never been to a CKU before – check out the website and get information on the other 2 later this year…t!m