seriously – we are down to the wire here! and it is neck and neck for the top 4 causes to win the extra grant money. i know there are lots of great causes out there, but this one "a place to bark" is very important to me. i’ve said it many times and this is my last chance to say it – PLEASE donate your $10 to this great cause. it’s important to have as many DIFFERENT people donate to win this for bernie and her animals. whoever you can get to donate, any part of the world you live in, you can help do this! check out the top standings here – remember bernie has to be in the top 4 to win! c’mon everyone – let’s pull together on this we have until 3pmEST! a very sincere THANK YOU goes out to those of you who have already made your donation for this great cause. you have no idea how much your support means to me…-t!m