ready for another adventure…


hey bloggers!  well we're all packed, ready to go, and in a few hours, we're off to japan to teach at cku-japan in osaka.  never in my wildest dreams did i imagine that my creative passion would open doors so that what i do for a living would allow me to see the world like this and experience these amazing journeys.  things have been crazy busy this week around the studio after just getting home from teaching on the east coast, and then finalizing all of the shipments for my upcoming cruise in october, plus all of the deadlines working on all of the new products for next year's cha – there's still so much more to do…but…it will all be waiting for me when i get back because we are off to japan.  did i mention japan?  seriously…i just can't believe it – japan! so i'll do my best to capture it all to share with you when i return in another video travel blog – until then, we're off on another adventure….to japan i might add!  unreal…t!m

Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101