a little fun…

hey there bloggers!  seriously where do i start?  i've been on the go as usual since last saturday, but at least this time it's a little fun mixed with business…  let's start with one of the best nights i've ever had with friends – glee LIVE!  okay, i'm a gleek i admit it, i truly love the show, the songs, the cast, and the memories those tunes conjure up.  so… on saturday night we headed down to phoenix to see glee LIVE and the show was wonderful.  seeing and hearing the cast perform numbers from the show was so cool with lots of singing, dancing, and simply enjoying the moment – loved it! (did i mention – i freakin' loved it???)
we stayed the night down in phoenix to fly out to nyc the following morning where we've spent the last couple of days in the city to attend the stationary trade show.  it was something i've wanted to check out for a while now – it was cool to see the various styles, products, and trends in that market (besides we got to spend 2 days in the city).  we made our way to times square and then to seek out a store i've always wanted to visit…tinsel trading company.  okay, can i just say that store was incredible?!  filled with vintage trims, threads, and findings this was the ultimate in vintage goodness – unlike anything else i've ever seen.  a sincere thank you to the wonderful "linda" from tinsel trading for the tour and making my first tinsel experience something that inspired me beyond words…Nyc10


so after a couple of days in the city, i'm now here in new jersey at ranger for the week.  much to do still to get ready for cha-summer which is just a couple of months away – i always love the excitement of trade show time don't you?  speaking of ranger, many of you have emailed me asking about ranger's website being down for over a week.  they are experiencing server trouble and hopefully everything should be back up and running later this week so no worries – i'll update you more tomorrow…t!m

Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101